
Witnessing genocide: Experience of Nazi Concentration Camps: Visit of UB’s Ravensbrück Archives

13 maj 2025 14:00 till 15:00 Seminarium

In 1945, about 20 000 survivors of German concentration camps were evacuated to Sweden. Their experiences were documented by a working group called "The Polish Research Institute in Lund“. The materials of the Institute are housed in Lund’s University Library and include, amongst many other things, drawings and paintings, letters, poems & photographs.

On 13 May at 14:00, the curators of the Ravensbrück Archive will host a session at the University Library (UB). The event will cover the collection, the stories that emerge from it, and the importance of remembering the Holocaust.

Please register by emailing: emilija.branda@jur.lu.se 


Arranged by the Museum of International Law 

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the end of World War Two on 8 May 1945. Like no other war, WW2 has shaped the political, social and - not least - the (international) legal configuration of our world. The UN and its various sub-organs (e.g. the International Court of Justice), the EC/EU and the International Criminal Court, to name just a few, were created explicitly with the aim to prevent future wars. Against the background of increasing tensions around the world, it is opportune to reflect on the legacy of the Second World War and, in particular, on the war’s impact on the lives of ordinary humans. 


Om händelsen:

13 maj 2025 14:00 till 15:00

Lund University Library (UB), Helgonavägen 2

Open for everyone



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